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Instancia de espacio aislado Intercam Banco

Utilice este entorno para dar vidas a sus ideas fintech.

Este entorno de pruebas de la industria ofrece más de 500 puntos finales de API para ayudarlo a desarrollar e iterar en la próxima generación de aplicaciones fintech.

Get started


Create an account

First, create a free developer account on this sandbox and request a developer key. You will be asked to submit basic information about your app at this stage. Register for an account .

connect app

Connect your app

Use our SDKs to connect your app to the Open Bank Project APIs. You’ll need your developer key, which you should have from when you created your account. Check out all the available APIs on the API Explorer, but make sure that you’re using the correct base URL.

test data

Test your app using customer data

Once your app is connected, you can test it using test customer credentials. View sandbox customer log ons.


Get started building your applications now!